5 saker Spanx grundare Sara Blakely behärskat innan hon


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Hon är grundaren av Spanx , ett  Spanxgrundades för mer än 20år sedan av Sara Blakely, med endast ett par fotlösa tights i sortimentet. Sedan dess har märket blivit banbrytande med sin  iceman_hof. Verifierat. Wim Hof. Följ · sarablakely. Verifierat. Sara Blakely.

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Sara Treleaven Blakely (born February 27, 1971) is an American businesswoman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She is the founder of Spanx, an American  17 Jan 2020 As the world's youngest self-made female billionaire, Spanx founder Sara Blakely shared stories from the growth of her company in a talk at  12 Sep 2016 At 27, Sara Blakely was selling fax machines and desperate to reinvent her life. So she came up with Spanx — hosiery that eliminates panty  As a child, Sara Blakely was advised to fail. The founder of Spanx, a $150m hosiery company, she says it was the best advice she ever received. Her embrace of  26 Nov 2020 Spanx founder Sara Blakely was just a girl with an idea. She had no knowledge of business. But this one trait turned her into a billionaire.

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After a stint as an Epcot ride greeter at “the happiest place on earth,” Blakely returned home and moved in with her mom. Sarah Blakely TV6. 2,000 likes · 83 talking about this. TV6 Early News and TV6 News Tonight Co-Anchor Sara Blakely has helped shape the modern woman — literally.

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--> @sarablakely Mini Bio (1) Throughout history, inventors have found inspiration from the strangest places. For Spanx founder and owner Sara Blakely, the inspiration came from VPL (visible panty lines) and uncomfortable thongs. A frustrated consumer-turned- entrepreneur, Sara invented footless pantyhose, created a national brand and led a shapewear revolution. Sara Blakely On 27-2-1971 Sara Blakely (nickname: Sara) was born in Clearwater, Florida, United States. She made her 1000 million dollar fortune with Founder and owner of Spanx Minority owner of the Atlanta Hawks.

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Sara Blakely is the founder and sole owner of Spanx, the brand that is constantly inventing more comfortable undergarment options for  Flannery O'Connor and the Irony of Self-Creation. by Sara Anne Blakely | 1 September 2011.
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Button to like this content. AV. Published  Från en blygsam början med bara ett par tights har Sara Blakely nu revolutionerat shapewear med Spanx kroppsskulpterande kollektioner.

Fortsätta. MAMA - Shapewear - very black. Spanx | Stort utbud  Från en blygsam början med bara ett par tights har Sara Blakely nu revolutionerat shapewear med Spanx kroppsskulpterande kollektioner. Med följare och  In 2006, Blakely launched the Sara Blakely Foundation to help women through education and entrepreneurial training.
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Sara Treleaven Blakely (born February 27, 1971) is an American businesswoman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She is the founder of Spanx, an American  17 Jan 2020 As the world's youngest self-made female billionaire, Spanx founder Sara Blakely shared stories from the growth of her company in a talk at  12 Sep 2016 At 27, Sara Blakely was selling fax machines and desperate to reinvent her life.

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She is the founder of an American intimate apparel manufacturer named Spanx. This company prepares undergarments, including pants and leggings.

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Her mother Ellen was an artist, and her father, John, was an attorney. Her brother Ford is an artist.

På tio år förvandlade hon 5.000 dollar till en miljard. Spanx grundare Sara Blakely var redo för en fest när hon insåg att hon inte hade rätt underplagg för att ge en smidig look under vita byxor.